Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

-Some dan any memiliki arti yang sama yaitu "beberapa"
-Some dan any juga digunakan untuk benda uncountable & countable(plural)

-some digunakan untuk kalimat positif(+), any digunakan untuk kalimat negatif(-) dan interrogatif(?)

+i have some money in my pocket.
+my brother bought some sweets last night.
-she didnt have any qustion.
-we didnt buy anything.
?do you have any sisters?

Possessive Pronoun

Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

Subject Posesive pro
------- -------------
i --> mine
we --> ours
you --> yours
they --> theirs
he --> his
she --> hers
it --> its

kegunaan posesive pronoun hampir sama dengan possesive adjctive yaitu sebagai kata ganti kepemilikan hanya saja posesive pronoun tidak disertai dengan kata bendanya.

contoh :
1. i have a house, the house is mine.
2. Tom buy a new toy, the new toy is his.

Possessive Adjective

Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

Subject Posesive adj
------- -------------
i --> my
we --> our
you --> your
they --> their
he --> his
she --> her
it --> its

possessive adjective digunakan untuk menyatakan kepemilikan
contoh my hair= rambut saya, kita tidak boleh menulis i hair.

contoh lainnya
1. he has a car, his car is expensive.
2. i love my parents.
3. the dog is drinking its milk