Coversation in Bank part.1

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

these are some examples about dialogue in bank

Changing money

A : Teller B : Visitor

A : Good morning, can I help you?
B : Good morning. I want to change money. What is the rate of USD (US Dollar) today?
A : The buying rate is Rp 9.200 (nine thousand two hundred), while the selling price is Rp 9.500
(nine thousand five hundred). Would you like to buy or sell USD?
B : I want to sell USD into Rupiah.
A : How much?
B : USD 1.000 (one thousand Dollars).
A : Please fill in this form first.
B : Thank you.
B : Here is the form, and here is the USD.
A : Thank you. I will count first. Please wait a moment.
B : Can I have hundred thousand notes?
A : I will check first.
A : Sir, here is the money. All are in Rp 100.000 notes. Please count first.
B : Thank you. Can I have a plastic bag?
A : Sorry we don’t have plastic bag. You can use this envelope.
B : Thank you.