Simple Past Tense

Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

adalah tenses yang di gunakan untuk menjelaskan suatu kejadian yg terjadi di masa lalu/ sudah terjadi..

+ Subjek + Verb II + Objek + ....
- Subjek + did + NOT + Verb I + Objek + ...
? Did + Subjek + Verb I+ Objek + ... ?

+ We swam in the river yesterday.
+ He drew a picture in his book last night.
- We did not swim in the river yesterday.
- He did not draw a picture in his book last night.
? Did we swim in the river yesterday?
? Did he draw a picture in his book last night?

verb yg di gunakan diatas : swim, draw..bntuk irregular verb dr verb itu ialah
Swim - swam - swum
draw - drew - drawn

*Time clause (keterangan waktu yg biasa dipakai)
- yesterday, last (week, night, month,...), just now, ....ago, etc

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